Environmental Planning
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA),
- Categorical Exclusions (CATEX) (NEPA)
- Environmental Compliance
- Siting and Feasibility Studies
- Environmental Protection Plans Terrestrial and Marine (EPPs)
- Storm water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
- CERCLA Due Diligence - Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) and Transaction Screens
- Wetland Mitigation Planning
Environmental Permitting and Approvals
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
- Title 5 Air Permitting
- Clean Water Act (Section 401 Water Quality Certification)
- US Army Corps of Engineers (Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act)
- Solid Waste Managements Facilities (Recycling Operations, Hardfills)
- NHPA Section 106
- Section 7 Endangered Species Act
Resource Surveys
- Wetland Delineation Surveys
- Vegetation and Habitat Surveys
- Environmental Baseline Surveys/Biological Surveys
- Marine/Benthic Surveys
Environmental Monitoring
- Water Quality Monitoring (Fresh Water and Marine)
- Underground Injection Control (UIC) Storm water Monitoring
- Vegetation and Habitat Monitoring
- Endangered Species Act Monitoring (Turtles)
- Underwater Acoustic Monitoring
Marine Vessel Services
Vessel and operator support for marine surveys and other marine support needs